Welcome to the Dianne Willcocks Leadership Consultancy website
Professor Dianne Willcocks, is an accomplished academic leader with a credible engagement portfolio in public services.
About Dianne
First-class track record
Professor Dianne Willcocks, is an accomplished academic leader with a credible engagement portfolio in public services who has a first-class track record of successfully catalysing the growth and development of the modern university and shaping contemporary agenda in public life.
Former Vice Chancellor at York St John University, she now provides advice and mentoring/coaching to assist other leaders towards excellence. Across the visual and performing arts, higher education and public policy arena, Dianne’s diverse and collaborative engagements have forged a distinctive reputation for leading change and modernisation in a climate of uncertainty.

Currently this includes
York Older People’s Assembly
Older Citizens’ Advocacy York
Age-friendly York
York Dementia Collaborative
Dementia Action Alliance, York
Wilf Ward Family Trust
York Museums Trust
York Mediale Festival
York Inner City Churches